
The Power of Singing

The best thing about MYC classes is that it combines all aspects of of a strong music foundation- and one of those things is singing. You can sing anywhere, anytime. With singing, you always have your “instrument” with you.

I have been singing for as long as I can remember. In church, with friends, and when no one is looking 🙂 I trained in sight-singing and solfege in university, but to this day I have not had a formal, one-on-one lesson. Perhaps some day I will get into it more seriously!

But there is no denying that there is something powerful about the human voice- especially in a group- that says something fundamental about the human condition. We want to create. Communicate. And experience togetherness.

Last week I listed to DNTO (Definitely Not the Opera) on CBC Radio, with host,  Sook-Yin Lee. There were many great stories and information, and I’d love to share it with you. You can access the show here. If you don’t have much time, go here and listen to Choir! Choir! Choir! ‘s rendition of Sloan’s Coax Me. It’s kind of chilling- in a good way!


♪ Mairéad

Articles, News

Allison’s Brain

Awhile ago I heard an amazing story about Allison Woyiwada, an Ottawan musician and  teacher, who experienced a miraculous recovery from a massive aneurysm thanks in part to music therapy.

Read here story here, and post your comments below.

She also has a book out about the whole experience, and yes, it’s on my to-read list.

How does music heal you?

♪ Mairéad

Events, Performance

“Field Trip” – Our first performance!

When: Saturday Nov. 8th, 2014.
Where: The Bridge Church, Kanata. (Directions).
Time: 9am start

Cute kids performing!
The back of my head and some cute MYC kids participating.
  • Sunshine 1- 9am
  • Sunbeams 1 – 10:30am

Please arrive 15 minutes prior to show time and come sit together as a group.

Expect to be at the church for an hour. You may also stay for other performances throughout the day.

Cost: This is considered a class. There is no additional cost to you. Audience members may choose to make a donation to the Alliance for Canadian New Music Projects. This event is ran exclusively by volunteers.

We will prepare for this in class whether you attend or not. 

Why: For younger students in particular, there are not many venues to perform in. The Rhythm Festival is perfect, because it provides child friendly adjudication and interaction with peers who also take music lessons. Students will get to practice in class for the performance, so they usually don’t get nervous. Music is meant to be shared, so when I find a positive place for that first performance to happen, I am promising you that you’ll be pleased with the day!

This year, adjudicator Leo Brooks of Treefrog Percussion returns to give insight into playing various percussion instruments, and how to enhance your performance. His positive comments and zest for performance was loved by the audience last year.

Please contact me if you have any further questions about the event.


♪ Mairéad

News, Performance

The show must go on!

Did you escape this week without hearing about a singer’s great skate and fall?

The Vancouver Canuck’s anthem singer, Mark Donnelly, was performing the national anthem on skates this time, when he tripped and fell on the red carpet. Complete disaster, you say? Take a look:

As fellow musicians, I think we have to give him credit. He didn’t miss a beat, and his voice barely cracked. What a pro!

Have you ever flubbed a performance? How did you feel? What did you do to get over it (in the moment AND after the fact)?

♪ Mairéad